
Respirometer ER Series
Respirometer ER Series

Respirometer ER series

System for measuring CO₂ production in the process of biodegradation to determine biodegradability of the sample

Respirometer is a device that measures the respiration of living organisms. Respirometer determines the aerobic or anaerobic biodegradability of solid, liquid and algae samples in various applications. The system measures the concentration of O₂ and CO₂ in the flow through the sample under controlled conditions. Flow, temperature, pressure, humidity are also continuously measured. Software automatically calculates CO₂ production and % biodegradation. Additional gases can also be measured.

ECHO Instruments - Multi-channel DRI Respirometer
ECHO Instruments - Multi-channel DRI Respirometer

Respirometer DRI series

Waste degradation tests

DRI Respirometer measures O2 to determine the activity of microorganisms in degradable organic matter under defined continuous airflow and adiabatic conditions. Samples are measured in hermetically sealed vessels (adiabatic), which create controlled conditions defined by the EU and other norms.

Soil flux

Soil flux

Portable and automatic soil flux analyzers

Portable and automatic Soil flux devices are ideal for simultaneous measurements of gas flux CO2, O2, CH4, radon, H2, H2S, SO2, VOC, hydrocarbons, etc. over a wide dynamic range on various surfaces. Devices are suitable for measurements in the fields, forests, landfills and other areas.

XC + Thermostatic cabinet
XC + Thermostatic cabinet

Compact – modular XC Respirometer

For screening and R&D measurements

Compact XC Respirometer for screening and R&D measurements, connected to existing hardware or as a complete setup.


  • STAND-ALONE CONTROLLER for connection to existing hardware (vessels, cabinets, etc);
  • COMPLETE SETUP with vessels, thermostatic cabinet, air source, PC, etc;
  • NEW Software with additional features;
  • Different mixing options.

Need more information?

Contact us to book a meeting or request a quote.
